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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
176 The naked ape / Morris, Desmond Dell Publishing c1967 599.8 M875na
175 Monarchy in the emperor's eyes;image and reality in the Ch'ien-lung reign / Kahn, Harold L Harvard University Press 1971 952.63 K12m
174 The myth of metaphor / Turbayne, Colin Murray University of South Carolina Press [1970] 149.94 T931m2
173 The modern history of Japan / Beasley, W. G Praeger [1963] 953.6 B368m
172 朝鮮戶籍大帳の基礎的硏究 (2) :朝鮮後期の慶尙道丹城縣にぉける社會動態の硏究 / Gakushūin Daigaku 學習院大學東洋文化硏究所 1991 950.8 G145c
171 欽定四庫全書 / Hsu#, Yu#an hsiu 臺灣商務印書館 民國72[1983] 082 문64상
170 The Literati purges / Wagner, Edward Willett Harvard Univ c1974 951.56 W132l
169 朝鮮王國 / Kikuchi, Kenjō 民友社 明治29[1896] 915.1082 K47c
168 Anthology of Chinese literature :From early times to the fourteenth century / Birch, Cyril Grove Press 1965 812.09 B617a
167 Analytical philosophy of history / Danto, Arthur Coleman At the University Press 1965 901 D194a
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